Find out how to establish a company in this country.
Company in Delaware (USA)
Located on the east coast, Delaware is one of the smallest states in the United States of America. Delaware is bordering Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Maryland. Its capital city is Dover. The number of registered companies in Delaware is more than 1.3 million, which means that on average there is more than one company per inhabitant. Delaware has more than half of American listed companies and more than 50% of Fortune 500 companies (ranking of five hundred largest companies in the USA). For many years, the American Chamber of Commerce has recognized the state of Delaware as the most friendly legal environment for doing business, and the state itself is often referred to as the “tax haven” inside the USA. Moreover taxes in Delaware are very favourable because of the rules. Income outside the United States is not taxed, and LLC is tax transparent in a manner similar to a partnership. It is becoming more and more popular to open business in Delaware.
Company registration in Delaware requires payment of the minimum license fee and the registration fee. There is also no VAT in Delaware. The state of Delaware has not been recognized by polish legislation as a country applying dangerous tax jurisdiction. Delaware state law states that if a company has only one member, there is no need to have an EIN (Employer Identification Number). What’s more, the identity of the company’s management, owner and management is protected in Delaware – there is no obligation to provide the names of directors or other executives in the company in the company’s founding documents or online register. As a result, the company is anonymous without the need to use hired directors under the trust. Company registration in Delaware requires nominated director, which also guarantees anonymity in publicly available registers. If a Delaware company is operating in the United States, you can apply for a green card.
DELAWARE INC. is the equivalent of a joint-stock company, which according to the law of Delaware is the most advanced legal form of conducting business activity. Company formation in Delaware, i.e. registering a company in the USA, ensures high prestige among contractors. More importantly, it also ensures maximum security for shareholders and management through the option of anonymity. A company in Delaware can be used to conduct any business. It is also possible to list it on the stock exchanges. Business in Delaware means that the company has a Delaware tax residence and is under an obligation to pay federal taxes.
Unlike the Polish Joint Stock Company Delaware INC. does not have the required minimum share capital, and thus the minimum mandatory payment of the capital contribution. A company in Delaware may hold shareholder meetings without the participation of a notary public. There is no audit or obligation to publish financial statements after you open company in Delaware.
Company registration in Delaware
Delaware has more than half of US listed companies and over 50% of Fortune 500 companies listed (ranking of five hundred largest US companies). For many years, the American Chamber of Commerce has recognized that the state is the most friendly legal environment to open business in Delaware.
The state itself is often referred to as the “tax haven” inside the US. Delaware’s popularity is primarily due to favorable tax laws. Non-US income is not taxed, and LLC is tax transparent in a manner similar to a partnership. The companies pay only the minimum license fee and the registration fee.
There is also no VAT in Delaware. Delaware state law states that if a company has only one member, there is no need to have an EIN (Employer Identification Number). What’s more, the identity of the company’s management, owner and management is protected in Delaware – there is no obligation to provide the names of directors or other executives in the company in the company’s founding documents or online register. As a result, the company is anonymous without the need to use hired directors under the trust.
Purchase of a ready made company in Delaware
It is possible to buy a ready made company in Delaware. Shelf company is a company which has never traded and has had the annual government franchise tax paid and the annual reports filled. Some clients prefer to buy aged corporation because it has some advantages.