Company in Germany

Germany is another Member State of European Union where setting up your own business is much more favorable than in Poland. Our law firm provides professional assistance in opening a business in Germany and effective optimization of tax costs.

Germany – federal state located in western and central Europe. It consists of 16 federal states (Länder), and its capital and the largest city is Berlin. Expansion into the German market is considered as the so-called safe variant of company development. Of course, this concept is a very discussion, because it is mainly dependent on the subjects of the activity of the company itself.

Maciej Oniszczuk

Are you interested in establishing a company in Germany or do you want to talk about it?

Get a free consultation with one of our specialists and learn how to set up and run a business in this country.

Company formation in Germany- history

The German GmBH company, which is the equivalent of a Polish limited liability company, was the first form of limited liability company in the world and it was established pursuant to the Act of 20 April 1892. In the 20th century, GmBH in Germany gained special popularity among the entrepreneurs creating the so-called family business. Currently, it is one of the most frequently chosen forms of opening business in Germany. The opportunities brought about by running a business in the form of a GmBH company contributed to this. Another reason why GmBH company has had so popular is the prestige of having a German capital company and greater trust among potential contractors.

Company registration in Germany

For many entrepreneurs an offer to open business in Germany (i.e. in form GmBH company) may prove to be interesting despite the legal conditions for the functioning of a limited liability company (GmBH) are quite strict. Foundation of the company in Germany is associated with a payment made at least half of the 25 thousand euros of share capital and corporate income tax is almost 30%. German law (with the exception of certain sectors of economic activity) does not foresee major difficulties in setting up a company in Germany and running it for foreigners – these companies can operate on the German market without restrictions. Entrepreneurs should first of all consider setting up a company in Germany if the limitation of liability plays an important role for the founders in their activities on the market because the partners are not responsible for its obligations with private assets but with the company’s assets.

Company registration in Germany begins with the indication of basic data such as name, registered office, subject of activity and selection of the management board. GmBH company may be a sole proprietorship and any natural or legal person may become a shareholder. It is necessary to define precisely in which field the GmBH company will operate by chosing the subject of the company’s activity.

Our law firm will help you to open company in Germany. We offer professional legal services and we will help you in a professional manner to complete any formalities connected with opening company in Germany.


Ready made company in Germany / Purchase of a company in Germany

However, if you care about time and want to avoid formalities related to legal system, it will be possible to buy the company in Germany. There are many entities that offer the sale of ready-made companies. The whole process of buying the company can be arranged during one stay in Germany. The benefits of buying a ready-made company in Germany include the possibility of starting the business of the company immediately after its notary purchase, the company name fully confirmed and verified by the Chamber of Commerce, the abolition of the waiting period for assigning of tax numbers and an active NIP EU tax number, a ready company profile for German conditions or already functioning office address.